A example procedure
for a typical measurement by using
an ADU and a motorized z-axis. Most
important features will be activated
during our measurements in a reproducible
and controlled way: drop volume, way
of drop deposition onto the sample
surface, time after contact to start
calculation, etc.
Procedure Descriptions:
A: Start Positions
B: A drop of given volume is formed
(e.g. using ADU)
C: The sample table is then moving
up ...
D: To the specified position (can
be set previously or controlled
automatically by the software).
E: As soon as the liquid drop touches
sample surface, the TIMER is reset
to ZERO and video recording may
be invoked here automatically if
F: Sample table is returned to the
Starting Position.
G: Measurement will be invoked at
a specified time for a given number
of computation. Average values and
statistical errors will be built
based on these calculation reults.